Hack Windows XP user Account


Windows! Microsoft Windows is a brand name of OS of Microsoft Corporation. Generally its called Windows. Microsoft develop day by day Windows (OS family ) from 1985 to 2014 total 29 years (successfully). They also develop there logos.

In the Windows series Windows XP is most popular and uses OS. Windows XP remains the second most popular Operating System all over the world.

However, The main issue of a OS is security. By developing OS it is most necessary to develop its security. As well ass, Microsoft Corporation developed Windows security day by day. From Windows 1.0 (1985) to Windows 8 (2012) it is so tuft to manage security of Windows's.

In the series of Windows you can easily hack Windows XP user account without any password. For Hack Windows XP password you should maintain some stages. Steps:

          1. At first, normally start your pc and wait for the login screen.

          2. After get the screen, press "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" twice . Means that, press keyboard's left
              Control (Ctrl) button and left Alter (Alt) button and Delete (or Del) button intime. You got
              a new screen like this:

          3. Then clean the "User name" box. And type There "Administrator" and press "OK". like:

          4. & finally enjoy you broken Windows XP...

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